Duration: 5:00
Parts: 16 brass, 2 percussion
Difficulty: 8/10

"Sound the Battle Cry!" was written in 2024 to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ken Waterworth’s distinguished leadership of the Melbourne Staff Band.

In the Old Testament, there are many references to the sounding of the trumpet in battle. In those days, the trumpet was also used to mark community celebrations and to remind God’s people of his covenant with them. As recorded in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Christians understand that they are in a perpetual battle, ‘…not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil…’ (Ephesians 6:12, NIV) and so they must be ready and equipped for battle.

Other than fleeting references to Ever is the War Cry (SASB 970) throughout, this music is based on the song Sound the Battle Cry! (SASB 981) written in 1869 by William Fiske Sherwin, an American Baptist. After a grand opening, the music commences in earnest with energetic, battle-type material led by the bass and percussion sections, with melodic fragments of the song in other voices. The first verse of the song is presented in this energetic mode, initially by the trombones. Another verse and chorus follow, led by the horns in a more traditional, martial style. The next section is more reflective before a reprise of the ‘battle music’ followed by the last iteration of the verse in a bustling romp that leads to an exciting and majestic conclusion.




© Roger Trigg Music